From the Hangars

It's Moving Day for the Prop Planes

Nov 19, 2013

One of the many things we needed to do before work can start in Hangar 1 is move out the planes. Yesterday and today were moving days for the historic propeller aircraft here at the Museum. With the planes covered in plastic, we moved the DC-3 and Travel Air out yesterday, and the Waco and Stinson out today. 

11-18-13 Wrapping the Travel Air wings

11-18-13 Wrapping the Travel Air

11-18-13 DC-3 move out of H1

11-19-13 Moving the Waco in the hangar

11-19-13 Moving the Waco in the parking lot

The planes will be returned to the hangar after construction is complete. 

Until its turn to move, the L1011 is looking kind of lonely.

11-19-13 No propeller planes in Hangar 1

Tiffany Meng

Museum Director



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  1. Lee | Jun 26, 2014

    Congratulations on opening the museum!  We've always appreciated Delta's contribution to the industry, but I notice an omission.  Delta, for several years, flew the C-130 as a cargo plane and we see no mention of it on this page nor on the site.  Of course there are so few of us old cargo types still around, so it's easy to see how this could have been overlooked.


  2. Don Wilson | Dec 27, 2013

    I'm curious to know: Has the museum considered obtaining and restoring a DC-7?  As a child, it was my favorite airplane (it still is).  I recall making several trips in that plane with my father (a Delta employee).  It would be wonderful seeing that aircraft and reliving my trips in it as a child.  

  3. Bob Van Hemert | Nov 25, 2013

    Curious......if you are able to get a DC-7 for the museum, will it be resored like the interior of the DC-3, or be similar to the restored Eastern DC-7 in Florida?  Will it be operational like the DC-3 or primarily be a static display?  Will it be painted like the DC-7 "Golden Crown" of the 1960's?  I understand a DC-7 is being considered. It is currently being stored and no decision has been made for consideration.  I understand May 2014 is the target month for the new museum opening.  Will there be a grand celebration planned for aviation buff's to attend?  Any events planned........?  Thanks.    Bob   

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