From the Hangars

Construction update

Dec 04, 2013

Want to see our renovations from a different angle? Check out this photo, courtesy of Hannan Construction, taken from a helicopter last Saturday. Hangar 2 (left) is looking great, and you can see the L-1011 fuselage temporarily parked in front of Hangar 1.

11-30-13 Aerial photo of the Delta Flight Museum

Inside Hangar 2, the new mezzanine is taking shape.  Once complete, the L-1011 will go up here.

12-4-13 Mezzanine in Hangar 2

Not to be outdone, work in and on Hangar 1 started shortly after the aircraft and exhibits were removed. 

12-4-13 Hangar 1 interior

12-4-13 Hangar 1 brick work

12-4-13 Pressure washing Hangar 1

We've got a long way to go, so stay tuned.

Tiffany Meng

Museum Director


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  1. Hollis Long | Dec 20, 2013

    Want to load up RV this summer and come to opening .. Is there a anticipated

    opening date to schedule the travel .. from Washington state ...

  2. Harold Vernon | Dec 06, 2013

    Great pictures, look for to the the Museum completion.

    Thanks for all the hard work.


  3. Scott Danielsen | Dec 04, 2013

    Hi Tiffany,

    My name is Scott Danielsen, I am a Delta employee with a suggestion. I realize that the museum exists in part through donations, and I was wondering if anyone has looked into applying for a Georgia state license plate tag for the museum (similar to various colleges and other state organizations). This could be another way to raise money for the museum, as well as advertise the museum on cars throughout the roadways. As a big fan and frequent visitor of the museum, I would be first in line at the DMV to order a plate with the Delta museum logo on it! I'm sure many others would too! Thanks for reading, and I can't wait to see the completed renovation!

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