If you’ve visited the Museum on a weekend, you’ve probably seen Museum Agent Daniel Kellogg at the Admissions Desk, giving tours, or setting up for events. However, his main focus right now is school.
Daniel is working towards both a Master’s degree in History with focus in public history, and a Certificate of Museum Studies. As part of his Graduate Research Program at the University of West Georgia, Daniel interned in our office this past semester, where he got to see just how a small museum really functions behind the scenes.
The Museum reopened to the general public in June following a 20-month major renovation project, and with that came all new demands, processes, and needs. Part of Daniel’s internship responsibilities included restarting our volunteer program, working on memberships, scheduling group visits and private tours, and helping out with our brick fundraising campaign. While varied in focus, this is just the type of juggling act that’s common in the museum profession.
This was a win-win situation for both Daniel and the Museum. Daniel was able to gain valuable experience and see firsthand how employees of small museums must wear multiple hats; and the Museum was able get help at a time when it was most needed!

Daniel Kellogg as an Agent (L) and an intern (R).
According to Daniel, “Overall, the Delta Flight Museum Graduate Research Assistantship was beneficial to me as a future museum employee and has afforded me an enriching educational experience. In the future, I hope to use my experience at the DFM as a stepping stone to my museum career. “
In the meantime, Daniel has one more semester at the University of West Georgia before he graduates. So, if you see Daniel the next time you visit, wish him good luck in his final semester!
Tiffany Meng
Director of Operations