Do you find yourself at times with just so much stuff you don’t know what to do with it all? Well, believe it or not, this happens to Delta departments on occasion, but they DO know what to do with their surplus. They call the Delta Flight Museum and make arrangements for delivery.
Everything from obsolete aircraft parts to office furniture and supplies to tee shirts and pins are sent to the Museum where we sell them to raise money for collections care, exhibits, facilities improvements, and operating costs.

Once the items have been processed and priced, they are available for purchase at the next Surplus Sale. Sales are held on the second Friday of each month (rain or shine) unless there is a major scheduling conflict in which case the Sale will be shifted to another date. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards for payment, but note that the cash line is usually quickest. There are no pre-sales and shipping items is not available, so be sure to come to early on sale day for the best deals and selection.

If you are interested in coming to a sale, enter the Delta campus through the Museum Gate off of Woolman Place, between the B-747 and B-757 airplanes. You will need a valid photo ID to check in and then you may proceed to the parking lot. Surplus Sales are held in the white Museum Support Building on your right just past the DC-9 airplane. You will not be able to resist our fantastic prices on unique items, so bring the largest vehicle you can to fill up with your purchases. You will leave with a smile on your face.

Any questions about Surplus Sales should be directed to me at I hope to see you next month!
Judy Bean
Manager - Surplus & Volunteers